Results for 'Viviana Di Giovinazzo'

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  1.  36
    The meaning of happiness: attention and time perception.Viviana Di Giovinazzo & Marco Novarese - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):207-218.
    This paper experimentally studies the relationship between happiness, attention and time perception. The experimental results challenge the prevailing results in the economic and psychological literature. A Go/No-Go test reveals a clear negative correlation between happiness and attention: the subject who is happier is also more inattentive, probably because of his or her state of lightheartedness, a state of mind that seems to negatively affect performance. Furthermore, the fact that happier subjects evaluate the passage of time with different objective and subjective (...)
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    Skin to skin interactions. Does the infant massage improve the couple functioning?Antonio Gnazzo, Viviana Guerriero, Simona Di Folco, Giulio C. Zavattini & Gaia de Campora - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  3. Masaryk e Patǒka, testiomianze di una filosofia nazionale ceca.di Viviana Pansa - 2014 - In Jan Patocka, Due studi su Masaryk. Roma: Editrice APES.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Parental Attunement, Insightfulness, and Acceptance of Child Diagnosis in Parents of Children With Autism: Clinical Implications.Magda Di Renzo, Viviana Guerriero, Giulio Cesare Zavattini, Massimiliano Petrillo, Lidia Racinaro & Federico Bianchi di Castelbianco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Adoptive parenting and attachment: association of the internal working models between adoptive mothers and their late-adopted children during adolescence.Cecilia S. Pace, Simona Di Folco, Viviana Guerriero, Alessandra Santona & Grazia Terrone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    How Neurophysiological Measures Can be Used to Enhance the Evaluation of Remote Tower Solutions.Pietro Aricò, Maxime Reynal, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Gianluca Borghini, Nicolina Sciaraffa, Jean-Paul Imbert, Christophe Hurter, Michela Terenzi, Ana Ferreira, Simone Pozzi, Viviana Betti, Matteo Marucci, Alexandru C. Telea & Fabio Babiloni - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Passaggi al limite: linguaggio ed etica nei periodi di crisi.Viviana Meschesi - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Elementi fondamentali di bioetica: tra passato e futuro.Viviana Daloiso - 2009 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Metafora ed evidenza in Ugo di san Vittore.Viviana Daloiso - 2004 - Doctor Virtualis 3:31-33.
    La metafora della luce di origine dionisiana esaminata come strumento di conoscenza che si traduce in pratica di vita.
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    Dolly e il vaso di Pandora: per un'etica della ricerca scientifica.Viviana Daloiso - 2009 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Le funzioni extracognitive dell'immaginazione nel "De Incantationibus" di Pietro Pomponazzi.Viviana Mafessoni - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  12. The extracognitive functions of the imagination in Pietro Pomponazzi's' De Incantationibus'.Viviana Mafessoni - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (2):213-236.
  13.  19
    Patrick Hayes and Jan Wilm, Beyond the Ancient Quarrel. Literature, Philosophy, and J.M. Coetzee.Viviana Vozzo - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70:177-178.
    Sebbene la ricchezza espressiva e la versatilità della scrittura di J.M. Coetzee si prestino ad una varietà di studi e considerazioni che riescono a coinvolgere molteplici discipline, solo i saggi che compongono il presente volume si impongono come un primo importante studio volto a comprendere, in maniera più sistematica, l’ampia pluralità di voci che caratterizza la critica coetziana. Il volume, dunque, riesce a superare le analisi meramente settoriali e unilaterali perché, cogliendo le pro...
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    Sostanza e organismo. La critica di Hegel in Glauben und Wissen alla lettura kantiana di Spinoza.Sandra Viviana Palermo - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (2):245-265.
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    Degni di umanità: verso un'estetica antropologica.Corinna Sabrina Guerzoni, Toro Matuk & Viviana Luz (eds.) - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Verità della physis e menzogna sociale: Doktor Glas, un Übermensch fallito?Viviana Santovito - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):167-180.
    Questo studio investiga quali siano i punti di contatto tra il filosofo tedesco Friedrich Nietzsche e lo scrittore svedese Hjalmar Söderberg nel romanzo di quest’ultimo Doktor Glas. L’articolo prende in esame due testi nietzschiani finora poco messi in relazione con l’opera söderberghiana, Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne e Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, evidenziando gli influssi che il pensiero del filosofo tedesco ha esercitato sulla concezione del Doktor Glas. L’analisi prende le mosse dai concetti di menzogna e conoscenza così come (...)
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  17.  11
    Contagio penetrante.Sandra Viviana Palermo - 2023 - Studia Hegeliana 9:25-44.
    Il testo analizza tre diverse declinazioni del concetto di illuminismo nella riflessione hegeliana e cerca di mostrare che l’intento di Hegel è quello di dispiegare un nuovo concetto di ragione, nei confronti del quale la ragione illuminista si presenta come istanza necessaria, ma al contempo incompleta. L’Illuminismo rappresenta un’esperienza storica di negazione dell’esistente che si diffonde come una malattia infettiva che distrugge il corpo collettivo che la ospita, ma che non può e non deve essere arrestata. Piuttosto, l’unico modo di (...)
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    Educación y afectos en la Antigüedad.Claudia Marisa Seggiaro, Mariana Castillo Merlo & Viviana Suñol - 2023 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 24 (27):9-14.
    El dossier “Educación y afectos en la Antigüedad” pretende homenajear a la Prof. Silvana Di Camillo, haciendo filosofía y, por ende, siendo lo más coherente posible con su particular naturaleza. El dossier incluye siete artículos y un trabajo final que pretende sintetizar los principales aportes de Di Camillo en los estudios de Aristóteles, pensador que signó su labor filosófica.
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    Uno scotismo pugliese? Sulle tracce del pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto in terra di Puglia nei secoli XV-XVIII.Marialucrezia Leone - 2023 - Quaestio 23:353-382.
    The aim of this article is to look at the historiographical phenomenon of Scotism in the light of its diffusion in Puglia region from the period following the death of John Duns Scotus (1308) to the 18th century. The intellectual link between Scotist thought and Puglia already arose in the time immediately following Scotus’ death, with the figure of William of Alnwick (bishop of Giovinazzo in 1329/1330), and it is further confirmed and fostered by the widespread presence of Franciscan (...)
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  20. Falsafah-yi tārīk̲h̲ va fit̤rat.ʻAzīzurraḥīm Dānish Imdādī - 1996 - Karācī: Dīgar milne ke pate, Islāmī Kutub K̲h̲ānah.
    Historical and philosophical study of human nature in adopting cultural traditions; from Islamic view point.
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    Naqd va barʹrasī-i naẓarīyah-i tafkīk.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Irshādīʹniyā - 2003 - Qum: Būstān-i Kitāb-i Qum.
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    Letters to a Young Therapist: Relational Practices for the Coming Community.Vincenzo Di Nicola - 2011 - New York, USA: Atropos Press.
    In these seven letters, practising psychiatrist Vincenzo Di Nicola offers wisdom to a young therapist from 25 years of experience conducting relational therapy. Ranging from what to read and how to begin therapy, the letters cover therapeutic temperaments and technique, how to create a relational dialogue, the myths of individual psychology and the need for relational psychology, the evolution of therapy in the past century and when therapy is over-all the while looking forward to the relational practices of the coming (...)
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    The Control Paradox: From Ai to Populism.Ezio Di Nucci - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    New technologies are often introduced with the purpose of improving our control over a certain task: however, software, AI and robots often cause understandable fears of machines taking control away from us. This is what Ezio Di Nucci calls the ‘control paradox’.
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  24. Reflexivity, Agency and Normativity: A Reconstruction of Sartre’s Theory of (Self-)Consciousness.Di Huang - forthcoming - Études Phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies.
    This paper reconstructs Sartre’s account of the “circuit of ipseity” as an integral theory of the experiential, agentive and normative aspects of self-consciousness. At the core of this theory is a conception of human (self-)consciousness as lacking, and the correlation between lacking and ideal. In Section 1, I show how this theory manages to satisfy the apparently incompatible requirements generated by the idea of a pre-reflective cogito. Section 2 discusses practical self-consciousness, in particular the agent’s consciousness of herself as self-determined (...)
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  25. Husserl on Active Temporalization.Di Huang - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-21.
    This paper is meant as a contribution to the longstanding debate among Husserl scholars regarding the relationship between time-consciousness and the I. From a genetic-phenomenological perspective, the I lives in the tension between passivity and activity. Exploring how the I relates to time-consciousness thus involves thematizing the interplay of passivity and activity at the most fundamental level of constitution. Specifically, it is necessary to determine whether there is an active form of temporalization. Acknowledging the ambiguities in Husserl’s late manuscripts on (...)
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  26. Truthfulness and Narcissism: Phenomenological Reflections on the Ambiguity of Imagination.Di Huang - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    Balancing a hermeneutic of trust with a hermeneutic of suspicion, this article develops a phenomenological description of imagination that highlights its alethic ambiguity. Imagination is an act of disclosure, without which the world of fiction and pure possibility cannot be constituted. Imagination is also an act of self-indulgence and narcissism, the source of much concealment and untruth. It is not the one or the other, but both at the same time, essentially ambiguous because of its phenomenological constitution. In this article, (...)
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  27.  27
    ‘Our Place Under the Sun’: Survivor-Centred Approaches to Children Born of Wartime Sexual Violence.Alessia Rodríguez Di Eugenio & Erin Baines - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (3):327-347.
    Children ‘born of war’ refer to people of any age conceived as the result of sexual violence at the hands of armed forces or groups during war, displacement, genocide or military occupation. Due to the circumstances of their birth, children ‘born of war’ can experience social stigma, discrimination and exclusion, resulting in diminished life chances and opportunities. At the same time, children ‘born of war’ fall through the cracks of global policy frameworks. In this article, we explore the reasons for (...)
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  28.  57
    Coscienza e soggettività. La scienza cognitiva ha eliminato le persone?Michele Di Francesco & Alfredo Tomasetta - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (3):403-420.
    Some philosophers and cognitive scientists think that a naturalised philosophy of the (self-) conscious mind should lead us to reject the very existence of the self. The paper focuses on two case-studies which are representative of this kind of attitude. In particular we examine, and criticise, Thomas Metzinger's 'no-self alternative' and Daniel Dennett's narrative elimination of the self. Our aim is not to prove that any elimination of the self from the inventory of the world based on the empirical study (...)
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  29. Studi, studenti et maestri nell'Ordine dei Francescani Conventuali dal 1223 al 1517.Lorenzo di Fonzo - 1944 - Miscellanea Francescana 44:167-195.
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    Schwankender Westen: wie sich ein Gesellschaftsmodell neu erfinden muss.Udo Di Fabio - 2015 - München: C.H. Beck.
  31. Il problema dell'unicità dell'aevum,«.Enrico di Gand - 1987 - Medioevo 13:123-193.
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  32.  37
    Essere ed essenza: una ricerca sul Tardo Rinascimento spagnolo.Saverio Di Liso - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):649-652.
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    Riassunto: Il corpo della libertà.Carmine Di Martino - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:430-430.
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  34.  14
    La melancolía como konstruktion histórica.Nicolás Di Natale - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:401-412.
    En su último trabajo el historiador Enzo Traverso afirma que las utopías del siglo XX han desaparecido dejando un presente cargado de memoria pero impotente a la hora de proyectarse en el futuro (Traverso, 2018: 34). La era actual del presentismo histórico, tal como lo denomina François Hartog, momifica toda experiencia pasada despojando el potencial revolucionario y, a su vez, anulando la posibilidad de un futuro emancipador ante la inmanencia de lo mismo. Esa fuerza histórica totalitaria se nos presenta como (...)
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  35.  19
    Antropocene e democrazia.Marcello Di Paola - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 65:39-56.
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    Consonanza e dissonanza: teoria armonica e percezione musicale.Nicola Di Stefano - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  37. Early quotations from Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in the Latin Middle Ages.Diana Di Segni - 1900 - In Charles Harry Manekin & Daniel Davies, Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Understanding consciousness for optimal human wellbeing & growth holistically.Xu Di - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (14):1503-1513.
    Consciousness is a natural and integral part of human beings that is at the core of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual functions throughout our lives. However, we tend to be too occupie...
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    Can Case Systems Generate the Flexible Medium Necessary for the Educational Environment?: The Multicultural Solution to Chaos.Paul S. di Virgilio - 1991 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 11 (2):83-89.
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    Bidāyāt fī Bidāyat al-ḥikmah.Shafīq Jarādī - 2019 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Maʻārif al-Ḥikmīyah.
  41. Būstān-i Islām.ʻAlī Javādī - 1961 - Tihrān,:
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    Archetypes, Causal Description and Creativity in Natural World.A. S. L. Laboratorio di Fisica - 2008 - In World Scientific, Physics of Emergence and Organization.
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  43. Scena.di Carmelo Meazza - 2021 - In Massimo Adinolfi, Nova theoretica: manifesto per una nuova filosofia. Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  44. Syādvādasiddhiḥ. Vādībhasiṃha - 1950 - Bambaī: Śrīmāṇikacandra-Digambara-Jaina-Granthamālāsamitiḥ. Edited by Darabārīlāla Koṭhiyā.
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    Mining EU consultations through AI.Fabiana Di Porto, Paolo Fantozzi, Maurizio Naldi & Nicoletta Rangone - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law.
    Consultations are key to gather evidence that informs rulemaking. When analysing the feedback received, it is essential for the regulator to appropriately cluster stakeholders’ opinions, as misclustering may alter the representativeness of the positions, making some of them appear majoritarian when they might not be. The European Commission (EC)’s approach to clustering opinions in consultations lacks a standardized methodology, leading to reduced procedural transparency, while making use of computational tools only sporadically. This paper explores how natural language processing (NLP) technologies (...)
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  46. Learning to perceive in the sensorimotor approach: Piaget’s theory of equilibration interpreted dynamically.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Xabier E. Barandiaran, Michael Beaton & Thomas Buhrmann - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:551.
    Learning to perceive is faced with a classical paradox: if understanding is required for perception, how can we learn to perceive something new, something we do not yet understand? According to the sensorimotor approach, perception involves mastery of regular sensorimotor co-variations that depend on the agent and the environment, also known as the “laws” of sensorimotor contingencies (SMCs). In this sense, perception involves enacting relevant sensorimotor skills in each situation. It is important for this proposal that such skills can be (...)
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  47. Bināʼ al-naẓarīyah al-falsafīyah: dirāsāt fī al-falsafah al-ʻArabīyah al-muʻāṣirah.Muḥammad Waqīdī - 1990 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Ṭalīʻah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  48. Le note tra le leggi.di Gustavo Zabrebelski - 2016 - In Mario Brunello & Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Interpretare: dialogo tra un musicista e un giurista. Bologna: Il mulino.
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    “A discipline or part of a discipline”: logic on the border of metaphysics and psychology in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (4):725-744.
    Avicenna’s ground-breaking view of logic as both a tool for other sciences and a science in its own right has already attracted scholars’ attention and has been studied in several different respects. The present paper aims to address a specific issue entailed by considering logic as a science in its own right: that is, assessing the relation in which logic as a science stands to the other sciences, and particularly to metaphysics and psychology. The inquiry will focus on a fundamental, (...)
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  50.  24
    Material culture both reflects and causes human cognitive evolution.Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Ben White, Avel Guénin–Carlut, Axel Constant & Andy Clark - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e7.
    Our commentary suggests that different materialities (fragile, enduring, and mixed) may influence cognitive evolution. Building on Stibbard-Hawkes, we propose that predictive brains minimise errors and seek information, actively structuring environments for epistemic benefits. This perspective complements Stibbard-Hawkes' view.
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